From difficulty eating and speaking to being afraid to smile in public, missing teeth can be a significant source of stress and embarrassment. Traditional tooth replacement solutions, such as dentures, have been able to offer some relief. However, over time, dentures are often found to be unreliable, replacing previous embarrassments for new ones. Despite relying on messy pastes, they still fall out now and then, or slip and become uncomfortable for the wearer.

Dental Implants Offer a Permanent Smile Solution

Replacing your missing teeth with dental implants can erase your worries and embarrassments about missing teeth or dentures. Dr. Ada Parra and Dr. Justin Craighead have the ability to replace a single tooth or an entire arch to give you a healthy smile.


  • Removable
  • Dental Pastes
  • Rest on Top of the Gums
  • Shift and Fall Out

Full Arch Dental Implants

  • Permanent
  • Implant Posts
  • Fuse with the Bone
  • Remain in Place Like Natural Teeth

Dr. Ada Parra and Dr. Justin Craighead are proud to serve as the only specialist team offering the expertise of both a prosthodontist and periodontist in Gainesville, FL.

Official Sponsor
Official Sponsor
Official Sponsor
Official Sponsor

Dr. Ada Parra and Dr. Justin Craighead are proud to serve as the only specialist team offering the expertise of both a prosthodontist and periodontist in Gainesville, FL.


    (352) 707-2828